Work and accomplishments as a source of self-worth — this is a constant struggle for me. I think I have made progress here — usually by reminding myself that I have worth simply because I exist, and then reminding myself of all the ways that I’m able to add value to the world that have nothing to do with my accomplishments. When I’m goofing around on a van ride with friends, nobody cares that I have a PhD. When I send a text message at the exact instant that a friend feels she is about to break out into tears, she doesn’t care what my annual revenue is. When I listen to a friend talk about a big decision she has to make in her professional life, she’s not concerned with my IQ. You are more than your work. You always have been and you always will be. Think deeply about who you are and what your intentions are towards others. Do you care about people? Do you love them? Do you wish them happiness and health? You are worthy beyond your work — now and always.